b"06 OCTOBER 07, 2022 The Great Eastern MailTHE GREAT EASTERN l Are the Teals the real deal?mai across the tableBAIRNSDALEPAYNESVILLELAKES ENTRANCEMETUNGWhere Community Matters Generally speaking,Delivery throughout:with Will BedggoodBairnsdale, Paynesville, Metung, Lakes Entrance and surrounds. Includes selectedW ERE reading lots about the teals businesses and depot drops. in the run up to the Victorian State Also find us at: election. There are impressive teal Local newsagents, shops and businesses.candidates running in the one-time Liberal You can also view our latest publicationheartland seats of Kew; Hawthorn; Mornington; FREE online at: Caulfield and Sandringham. Others may still www.holstadvertising.com/The-Gememerge.along with previous editions. Just as he did in the recent federal election, Publisher: Simon HolmesCourt is providing centralised Holst Advertising organisation through a climate change Display Advertising: supporters group. The Victorian candidates Jason: 0428 366 651mostly have a similar middle class wet Rick: 0413 278 422political orientation, although one or two are Office:(03) 9686 0858 actually seasoned ALP activists. In general, they Editorial Material:support action on climate change. Most but news@holstadvertising.comnot all are womenand theres still the same rick@holstadvertising.com potential to leverage the anger triggered by the Advertising Material: US Me Too movement widespread among matt@holstadvertising.com middle class Victorian women too.Publishers Note: Against these similarities evident in the The views and opinions expressed bycandidates compared to the Federal election,are pretty low key, triggered by little more thanthey dont deserve the platform to say anything advertisers in this publication are those ofhowever, there are some striking differencesfights over time-honoured local patronageabout pandemic management in Victoria the advertiser and do not necessarily reflectin what this election is about. In the first place,boundaries and allegations of branch stacking.now. Equally, the last thing the Andrews that of the publisher and its policies.theres a left-wing ALP Government in powerBy NSW and Queensland standards, this isGovernment would suggest is that the next Editorial Note: which has already destroyed Victorias energyall childs play. Liberal Party Victorian branchelection be seen as plebiscite on the Premiers The Great Eastern Mail encourages readerscompetitiveness in the name of climate changepolitics is even meeker, amounting to cat-fightsbrilliant Covid response and management to send in their opinions and views on anywhen it closed the Hazelwood power stationover personalities where policy and ideologyrecord.matter relating to the region. If you have aand subsidised wind power throughout ruralare totally absent. What about the teals? Surely if theres any story you would like to put forward, pleaseVictoria to undermine the economics of theSo the teals are going to have work verybenefit of voting for an independent it lies in the contact our staff (above), and you may haveremaining coal-based generators.hard to discover what it is in the Victorianpotential of these unimpeachable, courageous your own piece published.It's hard to see how the Victorian teals cancommunity that people are so sick of thatcommunity stalwarts to stare down those who Advertising: present themselves as the missing link in thetheyll vote for an independent over bothconspired to turn Victoria into a bumbling Advertising material created by theclimate change solution when its not clearparties. Except for one glaring theme, that is:neurotic basket case of spineless kitchen publisher is not to be reproduced orwhat else is there to do.theres one place where a teal could go butdwellers too scared to go to work?distributed to third parties unless givenThen theres the fact that the real teal targetsalmost certainly wont. This has to do with theYouve got to be joking if you think the teals written consent by the publisher or author.the Liberal and National partiesare notfundamentals of State administration overwill touch anything substantial like this.They Follow us on facebook actually in power. How do the teals shape upthe last 3 years which saw Victoria produce itspretend politics is about being nice so everyone to fight against the alleged misdeeds of anextraordinary global lockdown records.can share the joys of lighting candles during www.facebook.com/ Opposition Party which doesnt do anythingWe still dont know how Victorian turned intopower blackouts together. They think this TheGreatEasternMail and doesnt even have Upper House vetoa police state and why we were the victims of it.should be enough to get them voted in, even if power? Theres no effigy of Scott MorrisonWe dont know the real costs of locking downin Canberra they dont have the numbers to do TELL US to string up for alleged crimes committed inthe State because they are still accruing andanything at all. In the federal election a teal vote Parliament House ministerial offices after dark.just like no-one asked Victorians the first time,was an effective option for voters because the YOUR STORY What does a teal moan about Matthew Guyno-one has asked the Victorian populationMorrison Government had run its course and when so far his only gender crime appears towhether theyd be prepared to go through thisas the Government of the day it was the natural Be part of 'The GEM' be that hes male? again. Almost certainly, Covid policy will not betarget for any sort of collective left-wing cultural There is of course a general sense that botha subject of debate between the major parties.protest. parties are on the nose and because of thatThe reason is that they both agreed not toIt's not the same in Victoria. The natural voters should prefer a set of well-dressedpoliticise it at the time and because of this, thetarget is the Andrews Government and the Got a independents who share unsullied idealismVictorian Opposition is in no position now tonatural theme for any genuine independent story you and impeccably correct table manners. Its truelecture anyone on what should or should notcandidate is making it accountable for the think needs telling? that both parties are on the nose in the sensehave happened. If the Opposition didnt saymost appalling treatment of its population by Call or SMS Jason that politics always has an element of dirtyanything at the time owing to its sheer politicalany democracy on the planet during the Covid on 0428 366 651 business thats preferable to minimise.Evenfrightdespite the patent suffering of theemergency.The only certainty is that the teals the current Victorian ALPs factional squabblescommunity pounding at their doorsthenare not the natural vehicle for that.WORK WANTED!ULTRA CLEAN WINDOW CLEANING PROFESSIONAL DOMESTIC WINDOW CLEANING DOMESTIC CLEANING FLY SCREEN REPAIRS PROPERTY CLEAN-UPS ODD JOBS & TIP RUNSFOR ULTRA REASONABLE RATES, PH: 0456 695 345"