b'10 OCTOBER 07, 2022 The Great Eastern MailopinionVolcanoes, oceans and weatherViv Forbeslife on Earth. Even in todaysRight now, volcanic activityhistory shows that the real The Salt Bush Club warm Holocene Era, the Little(mostly sub-oceanic) isdanger to life on Earth is Ice Age was a time of war,melting parts of polar iceglobal cooling - a return DESPITE Green/ABCfamine and distress whereassheets as well as releasingof the great continental ice propaganda, recent Australianthe Medieval Warm Periodvolcanic dust and othersheets creating a frigid zone floods were not caused byheralded a time of peace andnatural gases into the oceansnorth of a line from London coal, cattle or cars. Weather isplenty. and atmosphere. The warmedto Chicago. Russians and driven by winds; solar energyEarths weather is driven bysea water expands, raisingAlaskans know about frozen powers the winds and drawswinds powered by convectionsea levels and increasing themammoth bodies in the ice, moisture for them from thecurrents which get most ofevaporation which producesand understand this threat, but oceans. These eternal naturaltheir energy from the Sun. clouds and rain. Right now,the western world continues to rain-making processes haveEastern Australia isthe Tonga volcanic eruptionworship Saint Greta. been aided recently by twocurrently under the influenceis evaporating sea water thatA bleak northern winter extra factors.a large La Nina event in theis probably adding to theapproaches. As blackouts Firstly a big La Nina weatherPacific Ocean. These periodicrecord La Nina rains of Easternbeckon and the lights start to event in the Pacific Ocean hasENSO (El Nino-SouthernAustralia. flicker, coal is suddenly OK left warmer water closer toOscillation) weather cycleswas an El Nino casualty when they react to the beat ofVolcanic hot spots can alsoagain. But Europeans and Australia.are Earths most significantit met an iceberg blown fara geological drum. ENSOmelt ice-bound methane fromAustralians still plan a Net Secondly, there is increasedshort-term weather events andsouth by El Nino winds. timing and strength is largelythe sea floor thus releasingZero ritual sacrifice of their underwater volcanism inhave been identified in EarthsAustralias famous weatherdetermined by volcaniclarge unmeasured quantitiesfarmers on the alarmist altar. this region as evidenced byclimate as far back as 1525,forecaster, Inigo Jones, wasactivity and the movement ofof methane gas into theNone of this sacrifice will deter the volcanic eruptions nearwell before the Model T Fordwell aware of the naturaltectonic plates, particularlyatmosphere.La Nina, or stop the volcanoes, Vanuatu.and the Watt steam engine.cycles in climate as far back asalong the Pacific Ring of FireMans coal, cars and cattleor feed the people.Earths climate history isThe great El Nino of 1877- 1923 - long before coal, cattleand the mid-ocean ridgesare puny compared to whatSomeone should ask the written in the rocks. Anyone78 heralded Chinas Greatand cars could be blamed forsplitting both the Pacific andnature can do. new Green Government of who cares to read that recordFamine, brought droughts toGlobal Warming. Atlantic Oceans. Hysterical children andAustraliaIf emissions of will see that recurring IceBrazil and caused failures ofENSO oscillations areBut largely hidden frompolitical agitators keepCO2 are the problem, why Ages, not global warming,the Nile floods and the Indiannot driven by atmosphericview is another huge weather- bleating about man-madehave we banned emissions-pose the greatest threat tomonsoon. Even the Titanicconditions or human activitiesmakersub-sea volcanoes. global warming. But climatefree nuclear power? T HOUSANDSofchildrenandPremiers Reading Challenge gets more kids reading have read 57 million books. NAPLAN youngpeopleacrossVictoriaTheChallengealsocompliments haveembarkedoncountless2022PremiersReadingChallenge,recordtheireffortsonline,withthis10 to read 15 books. Victoriasexcellent2021 adventuresfromtheconfinesofwhichcontributedtothecollectiveyearsthemebeingDiscoveranewThe Challenge booklist has a varietyresults,whichclearlyshowedthe theirfavouritereadingnooksastotal of 2.9 million books being read. chapter. of books for each age group to select,lift in the number of top performing part of this years Premiers ReadingThe Challengewhich is now in itsIt asked children below school agewith titles curated by an expert panelprimaryschoolstudentsinreading Challenge. 18th yearencouraged avid readersto read 40 books with their parentsincluding teachers and librarians. since 2015.MinisterforEducationNatalieacrosshouseholds,earlychildhoodor carers; children from Prep to YearSincethePremiersReadingEachparticipantwhomeetsthe Hutchinstodaycongratulatedthecentresandschoolstoreadaset2 to read 30 books with or withoutChallenge began in 2005, more thanChallengereceivesacertificateof more than 74,000 participants of thenumber of books over the year andassistance and students in Years 3 to4 million children and young peopleachievement signed by the Premier.Right now, there are community services jobs available where you can make a difference, helping people who have a disability, families fleeing violence, and children and families who need care and support. Plus, there isa jobs guarantee for new graduates in priority areas. Make a difference. Visit jobsthatmatter.vic.gov.auAuthorised by the Victorian Government,1 Treasury Place, Melbourne'