b'02 OCTOBER 07, 2022 The Great Eastern Mailmetung fun runREAL VALUEFUN ON THE RUNEVERYDAYWHETHER YOU RUN, JOG, WALK OR JOFFLE (THATS APPARENTLYA REAL THINGITS A CROSS BETWEEN A JOG AND A SHUFFLE!)AVAILABLE HERE YOULL BE PLEASED TO KNOW THAT THE METUNG FUN RUNIS HAPPENING AGAINON SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER T HE Metung PrimaryWalk events will start outside School, in collaborationthe Metung Pharmacy (this is with the Lions Club ofa new starting location) and Metung, will again be hostingfinish outside the Metung the Metung Fun Run as aBakery, taking in some of the major fundraiser for 2022. local points of interest along This years event willthe way.BAIRNSDALE be held on Sunday 13thProfits from the Metung November with four differentFun Run will be used to events to cater for all levelsassist with the maintenance of fitness, including the Kidsand running expenses of the 9/30 Howitt Avenue,Colour Dash for children agedMetung Community Bus, Eastwood Village Shopping Centre 12 years or younger, beginningwhich is available for hire by at 8.30am; followed by theany local community member 5km and 10km Runs at 9amwith a full drivers license.Ph: 5152 6945 (after an 8.50am warm-up byIts been a bit challenging The HIIT Factory Bairnsdale),in recent years, due to and the 5km Walk whichCOVIDwhich stopped Fax: 5152 6974 starts at 9.15am.the event for two years, and This year, the main Run/ then last year the restrictions Spotlight on our priorities ahead of State ElectionArepresentative, and candidates aheadMarlo Road (Orbost-Marlo),of funding to upgrade Bairnsdaleand community resilience projects; suite of advocacy priorities has been developed to pushof the November polls. Benambra-Corryong Road andSecondary College. and the Buchan Recreation Reserve the case for East Gippsland atPriorities with a State Election focus: Great Alpine Road upgrades. Native timber industry transitionupgrade, Cr Reeves said.the upcoming State Election. Homelessnessa dedicated (non- Industrial land supplydirect extending Local DevelopmentWe have successfully advocated East Gippsland Shire Councilcompetitive) funding allocationintervention and sufficientStrategies funding to impactedfor the development of an agricultural on Tuesday adopted its updatedfrom the Victorian Big Housingfunding to enable planning for andcommunities, replacing clear-felltraining hub ($1 million) at Advocacy Strategy, includingBuild to address homelessness andrezoning of industrial land. harvesting with a new approach toGippsland Agriculture Group site 37 priorities that fall under thethe lack of affordable housing. Coastal hazards and assets renewalsilviculture, providing sawlogs fornear the Bairnsdale Airport, and Council Plan 2021-25 themes ofLong-term bushfire recovery and ongoing funding to supporttimber processing and support thesupport for an increase in public Our Communities, Our Place, Ourcommunity resiliencesupportaspirations of the Marine anduse of forest resources by a rangehousing.Environment, Our Economy andfor bushfire recovery services untilCoastal Act. of users. With others, Council has Our Council. at least year five. Lakes Entrance Indoor StadiumRate capping - engagement withadvocated for critical projects Mayor, Cr Mark Reeves said theActive ageingawareness funding for the design andlocal government in advance of theand investment in East Gippsland list was a blend of the immediate,campaigns, events, activities andplanning for the relocationnext setting of the rate cap. commensurate with the impact of the medium and longer-term needs,programs. and expansion of a multi-courtSchool crossing supervisionthat2019/20 fires. This resulted in more challenges and opportunities for theMitchell River Bridge duplicationcomplex. the State fully funds school crossingthan $30 million of investment in shire.funding for detailed design of theEnvironmentclimate changesupervision and does not imposeprojects as part of the Black Summer The priorities consider thebridge and realignment of sectionsmitigation, a Gippsland Lakescosts on ratepayers and residentsBushfire Recovery Grants.environmental, waste and socialof the Princes Highway into a roadhealth audit, coastal riskfor a service unrelated to core localCr Reeves said advocacy on behalf issues, infrastructure projects, policy,reserve managed by the State. management, strategic firebreaksgovernment functions. of the community was an important Councils responsibilities, and theShared approach to fireand roadside vegetation, returningCouncil adopted its first Advocacyrole for Council.shires economic prosperity, Crmanagementfunding for local50% of landfill levies back toStrategy and priorities list lastOur advocacy efforts are strong Reeves said. governments to review emergencyCouncil for waste managementNovember. throughout the year, and as issues Having a current and fluid list ofmanagement strategies to ensureinitiatives, and natural resourceIm pleased to report that, soarise we are proactive. An election priorities is important, particularlyappropriate resourcing. management strategicfar, weve been able to deliver onprovides more opportunities to during election periods. Many ofBairnsdale Aerodrome upgradepartnerships. several priorities. These includeexplain our communitys priorities the priorities are targeted at the $6 million for the developmentEducation$600,000 for thesecuring funding for the upgradeand seek support and commitments. Victorian Government and weof terminal building upgrade andnext phase of transforming theof the Bairnsdale AerodromeWe look forward to meeting with look forward to engaging with thetaxiway improvements. Bairnsdale Hub into a collaborative($9.9 million), support for bushfirecandidates ahead of the November current Government and electedBullumwaal Road (Wy Yung),education centre, and finalisationrecovery services, youth programs,polls, Cr Reeves said.'