b'The Great Eastern Mail OCTOBER 07, 2022 21Chester seeks Lakes Entrance jobs guaranteeF EDERAL Member forI have repeatedly stressed myand whether it will be done in amental health expert or do a newlicence buyback, remains a major Gippsland Darren Chesterconcern that proposed licencecompletely transparent manner. course if you lose your job as a resultsticking point.says Canberra-basedbuybacks will have significantTo make matters worse, thereof these buybacks, Mr Chester said. Local fishing business owners bureaucrats are ignoring Lakessocio-economic impacts and thehasnt been a cent allocated toThere is significant frustrationstill have incomplete information Entrance community concernsAustralian Fisheries Managementbusiness owners in towns like Lakesand concern among commercialupon which to base major financial over potential job losses due toAuthority (AFMA) has admittedEntrance directly impacted by thefishermen with the uncertaintydecisions regarding the future of new commercial fishing industryit has done zero research on thisproposed closures. surrounding the proposed buyouttheir businesses and their crews.restrictions. issue, Mr Chester said. Mr Chester said AFMA had sentand the likely impacts on theirTheres a critical need for a Mr Chester has raised hisThere has been a complete lacka letter to LEADA saying peoplelivelihoods and the township ofthorough analysis and better concerns directly with theof respect for local jobs during thiswho lost their jobs could get mentalLakes Entrance. understanding of the social, responsible Minister andentire process. health support or seek trainingThe failure to simultaneouslyeconomic, environmental and departmental officials, on behalfAMFA cant even tell theopportunities at TAFE. announce an onshore structuralcultural implications of AFMAs of fishing industry licence holders,fishermen how much of the $24Its an insult to our region thatadjustment package in Lakesproposed actions prior to the onshore business owners andmillion allocated to the buybackthe best advice AFMA can provideEntrance, despite the anticipatedproposed fishing ground closures LEADA. will go to each licence holderon behalf of the Minister is visit aeconomic impact of the proposedand licence buybacks.local experts at your fingertips | service directoryGraeme East MotorsYour Local Mechanic TERMITE SPECIALISTTERMITES WAKE UPYour Local Qualified EXCELLENCE IN CAR SERVICE & REPAIRS our Local Qualified HUNGRY AFTERPest ControllerBG Diesel Induction Service A COLD WINTERSpiders lRemoves baked-on carbon from the EGR valveMozziesFlies lCleans EGR runners and cavities Now is the timeTermites lCleans air intake ow is the time for termite inspectionRodents lRestores fuel ef ciency and preparationCockroacheslReduces emissionslImproves horsepower and performance CALL YOUR LOCAL QUALIFIED PEST CONTROLLERS C O T T Y G R A M B A U 0 4 9 8 2 7 9 9 8 8EMAIL: SCOTT@MYPESTDOCTOR.COM57A Macleod Street BAIRNSDALE 5152 5699 SUPPLYING DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONSWELGUARD METAL CALL INTO OUR FindINDUSTRIES SHOWROOM FOR us onA NO OBLIGATIONQUALITY PRODUCTQUALITY PRICE GATES & FENCING FREE QUOTEl GLASSlSHOWER SCREENS 7 GILES STREETlSECURITY DOORSlMIRRORS BAIRNSDALE VIC1 Wood Street Bairnsdalel Ph: 5152 6766TubularDomestic 5153 1399wswindows.com.auColorbondCommercial admin@welguard.com.auGlass Replacement FREE measure & quote serviceSlatAuto ControlORGANISED BY STATE & FED GOVERNMENT ENERGY UPGRADE SCHEMEUPGRADE YOUR HOT WATER SYSTEM FOR FREESave up to $1000per year on your power billVALUESpecialising in:5OF HOT WATERl land upgrade to an energyYEAR SERVICE, SUPPLY &lOf ce & Home Cleaning lSpring Cleansef cient hot waterWARRANTY INSTALLATION APPROXBuilders CleansHouse Sales & Rentalssystem for FREE! ALL AT NO COST$3000 Contact Glenis 0412 539 747 admin@slatescleaning.com.auTO YOU! BUT YOURSNOW INSTALLING SHOPS/FACTORIES FREE Bairnsdale & DistrictNOW INSTALLING SHOPS/FACTORIESFREE RELOCATIONSINSTALLED BY LOCAL TRADESMENINSTALLED BY LOCAL TRADESMENGlenn Calvert Electrician 0488 047 596 In partnership withBEWARE of out of town companies/Facebook & overseas call centres. Support local tradesmen. We make a difference'