b'18 OCTOBER 07, 2022 The Great Eastern Mailmovie reviews www.waldowatches.comSOLID BUT MILES OFF BEING Movie Review byGREATMichael Waldron FORCEFUL TWISTS TOO MUCHMILE 22FOR MODERN ACTIONSTREAMING NOW ON PRIME VIDEOT HE action genre is athe US embassy in a fake,and around the cars duringyou cannot debate the factHe\'s been in some truly greatto watch.shell of what it used to be when I was growing up. While it sounds like thekinda-Indonesia countrythe start of the transporthis persona is perfect for thisflicks - The Raid, The Raid 2,The downsides. well, the typical "back in my day"with intelligence regardingsection of the flick deserverole. When he\'s firing on allThe Night Comes For Us, Manretrospective thing annoyed statement, it\'s objectivelysome missing dirty bombspecial mention as theycylinders with a characterof Tai Chi - but it still feels likeme here. I think the approach truelong gone are the daysingredients. That\'s all the storycapture the hectic, edge-of- that\'s hyper-aggressive,he hasn\'t quite broken into thecould have worked really of Arnie, JCVD and Bruce inwe need to cover becauseyour-seat feeling that I love inarrogant, supremely skilledmainstream. Time will tell butwell but the setup of the their prime. Southeast Asia,as usual, we aren\'t here foran action flick.and supplied with theI\'m clearly #teamIko.commentary sequences was Indonesian and South Koreathe plot, we\'re all about thatPeter Berg has decided thatarguably corny dialogue, itLaura Cohen from Thepractically non-existent, it was in particular, have sparkedaction. Marky Mark is his muse andgenerates something trulyWalking Dead is pretty gooddisorienting at the time until the fire again but the US wasThis has quite a fewthe mid-level budget actionspecial to this action fan. It\'sas the sidekick, a conflictedit clicked that he was being rather stagnant for a long time.negative ratings from reviews,films are his masterpieces. Ias if his character from Themother who also has a violentinterviewed about it after the Interestingly, the genre hasbut I think their issue, as usual,didn\'t care much for SpenserOther Guys took a differentstreak in her, trying to jugglefact. Some setup work would experienced a revival of sortsis they head into what\'s clearlyConfidential but he\'s thepath earlier in life and endedreal life and her day job ofhave changed that narrative in the late 2010\'s and thatan action flick expecting non- man behind Lone Survivor,up at the CIA just causingkicking tail. I dug her actionfor the better, I think. The trend continues with Mile 22. action components. That\'sDeepwater Horizon andhavoc. Did I mention I\'mscenes, they felt believableending is a bit average in my As with all action reviews,a rookie mistake right there.criminally underrated flickabsolutely here for this? and downright brutal atopinion, forcing twists that this is written through theThis has all the things thatThe Kingdom. He\'s likeIko Uwais plays the othermoments, she sold the ideadidn\'t really need to be there. lens of a life-long actionmake me feel like a kid again:Michael Bay Jr, his action ismain lead and is a mysteryof a conflicted weapon well.That being said, it\'s wide aficionado so keep that inCIA, lots of gunfights, lots ofmore gritty and less over thefor the most part. As theThe other actor worth callingopen for a sequel or even a mind. Marky Mark leads ahand-to-hand combat with atop but is still definitely in thefilm goes on, I stopped andout is John Malkovichheprequel but I\'m not sure the team of CIA operatives whofair chunk of violence, drones,same post code. I have to say,thought "Why is Iko in thisdidn\'t really have to act muchcommercial success was there are the blackest of the blackRussians, a world needingI\'m here for it. These films getif he isn\'t tearing people tobut I truly love his cadenceto justify it.opsthe kind of team thatsaving and macho bravadothe same late 90s-early 2000sshreds?". As if scheduled, itand tone, it\'s always perfectlyHaters will hate but this is signs resignation papersgalore.feelings out of me, the "wowhappened, and he unleashedsuited to whatever he\'s doing.another solid entry into the before a mission as to giveThe action scenes are prettyhow cool" video game stylehis martial arts ability in all it\'sLooking back at Con Airmodern action catalogue and the government enoughmint, including the openingstuff that a 13-year-old mightglory with a spectacular fightand more recently Spaceunless you go full film critic, distance should the proverbialsequence right down to theconjure in their head. in the hospital. Uwais is onForce, the changes he makesyou might just enjoy yourself.hit the fan. Iko Uwais ofclosing moments where it allMark Wahlberg. you canthe verge of being the next bigbetween all of those are subtle The Raid fame approachescomes together. The fights inlove him or hate him, butthing, or at least he should be.and great and it\'s a pleasureRATINGMovie Review byBEAUTIFUL Michael Waldron CONFRONTING AND RAW THRILLERTHE DRYSTREAMING NOW ON DISNEY+AUSSIE FILM A HIT Iagent who ventures back tobut the long overhead shotsDundee sh*t I come to expectMatthew Nable was solid asconfronting at times. The film think I read somewhere that it\'s in the constitution that you should love Eric Bana if you are Australian.his hometown in regionalamplify the remote nature offrom thesemaybe that\'sthe rough as guts bogan thatdoes a great job of showing He may not be as big a nameVictoria. For any foreignersthe location. This film is veryon meand this was classicevery Aussie has seen at thehow difficult it can be in a as Hugh Jackman or Margotreading this, it\'s as bush as itsound technically; the score is\'Strayan humour with a bigpub after a few too many. Thetown straining due to the Robbie but he earned hisgets and likely aligns to whatpresent but not overbearingdose of heart. The publicanactors playing the flashbackdrought which is exacerbated place in Australiana withsome people think Australia isand does well to accentuatein particular was brilliant,roles were also great, thereby tragic events in the present performances such asall over. He returns home for athe drama as it plays out. using short and sharp quipswas no real downer inbringing up raw memories Chopper and Blackhawkfuneral of a childhood friendWhere this film reallythat you expect from yourterms of the cast which isfrom the past.Down. Given the droughtand is forced to face some oldshines is the writingthestereotypical larrikin. impressive. All in all, it\'s a really great (see what I did there?) of newdemons from his youth andstory is great and lives upIn terms of actingThis certainly isn\'t a happymovie and not something releases in 2020, I keenedsome locals who aren\'t fondto the billing of a Mysteryperformances, Bana andfilm; I lean towards darkerI typically enjoyI was up immediately when I sawof him. Drama. I was genuinely stuckthe crew were by and largefilms as mentioned in earlierengaged the whole way and Bana\'s latest appear as anThe first thing you noticetrying to guess whodunnitgreat. Genevieve O\'Reillyreviews and this leans prettythis is a contender for the best advance screening at Palaceis how beautiful some of thethe entire way and each twistwas good as the childhoodhard into some very toughAussie movie you\'ll see this Cinemas (support local!). scenes arepart of this isand turn didn\'t feel forced. Ifriend who never left town,themes. This could be difficultyear.Bana plays Aaron Falk,thanks to the idyllic views thatalso loved the Aussie natureKeir O\'Donnell impressed asto watch for some and I an Australian Federal Policecountry Victoria has to offerof it, it wasn\'t the Crocodilethe green police officer andpersonally found it a littleRATING'