b'The Great Eastern Mail OCTOBER 07, 2022 11opinionThe bushfire damaged remains of the Thura River bridge, with works still not put out to tender for its replacement. Photo credit: Rylee PardewRegional work Optus hacking reminds a bridge too farus of digital dangerFlat White pile of systems failure creatingwanted to make integratingNearly three years on, Thurraits own smoking ceremonysystems easier, to satisfy P OLITICIANS whoin the Canberra archives,two-factor authenticationRiver bridge tender not outknow nothing aboutpoliticians keep telling usregulations from the industry technology continue tothat the only way to be safewatchdog, the Australian bang on about the safety andin this world is to allow theCommunications and MediaT WO years and ninein these two towns. PointIf the bridge was fixed, it convenience of our inclusivegovernment to collate aAuthority (ACMA). months after theHicks is also a popular touristcould be dealt with in a cost-digital future. citizens important financial,We can bicker all day about2019/20 fires destroyeddestination, yet here we areeffective manner, but it is now Note: inclusive means thatsocial, biometric, medical,how much information techthe Thurra River Bridge, thealmost three years on with nolikely to continue to worsen there is no option to opt-out. and identifying data into angiants should be allowedAndrews Labor Governmentplans finalised and no tendersand result in a multi-million Their policy roadmapsimmense golden honeypot. to keep (and for how long)has not even put out tendersout. repair bill.have us set on a path towardThose who think this is aand whether entities like realfor its replacement. I was advised this weekMr Bull said it was little increased government digitalgood idea should rememberestate agents should be ableGippsland East Nationalsthat fuel, essential supplieswonder seven weeks out surveillance and control bythat no matter how muchto request excessive amountsMP, Tim Bull, said this wasand maintenance items arefrom polling opening in the 2030 sold to the public in thecomputing power a hackerof personal data for rentaldisgraceful, after Premierbeing delivered to the lightState election Labor had not interests of convenience (forhas available to themNorthpropertiesbut at the end ofAndrews said he wouldhouse by helicopter andannounced a candidate, as the lazy), safety (followingKorea cant read the physicalthe day, the lesson we shoulddo everything possible tothe helicopter comes fromwas the case in many other the Covid pandemic), andpaper records inside a lockedtake away from this is one ofexpedite recovery works. Mansfieldwhat is thatrural areas.sustainability (to prevent thecabinet. digital safety and our over- What this city-centriccosting the Victorian taxpayerOn one hand it is just climate apocalypse). Telecommunications giantreliance on mass-collatedgovernment doesnt seem towhile the Government fiddlesanother case of Daniel I can tell you with absoluteOptus has reminded us of thereservoirs of data. understand is the importancearound, said Mr Bull. Andrews ignoring the regions, confidence that installing arisk of our digital love affairWhen government systemsof having this region open forHowever, this issue alsobut on the other hand, who China-style Digital Identitywith a serious and majorwere built by adults, there wasthe local economies of townscauses other problems. As awould want to stick their hand system will not protect a singlehacking incident on Thursdayan emphasis on separatinglike Orbost and Cann River. result of machinery not beingup to represent a party that person from Covid or makethat resulted in the theft ofdata between departmentsThere are just on 50able to get to the Point Hickshas dragged its feet on fire the slightest bit of difference tohigh-level customer data forto ensure that the State nevercampsites at Thurra River andRoad, we have it eroding withrecovery works and wants Earths climate. 9.8 million people. The datacame into possession ofevery holiday period they dothe sea undercutting the roadto close down our timber What these prisons ofbreach is so severe that mostabsolute data authority for antheir shopping and buy gearin some areas. industry, he said.digital barbed wire will do ispeople havent got the slightestindividual. If the government fulfil the long-held fantasies ofidea what to do about it. Indoesnt store your data in aTim BULLgovernment to micro-managereality, the vast majority ofcollectivised manner, hackers the economy and manipulateOptus customers will take nocannot steal it. (There is the direction of the privateaction to protect themselves. another reason to do with sector. Full names, dates of birth,depriving the government Actually, scrap that. emails, passport numbers,of the temptation to misuse There is no private sectordrivers licence details, andprivate datasomething it is when the Big State has thephone numbers dating backleaning into heavily at present.) THE NATIONALS MEMBER FOR GIPPSLAND EASTPPSLAND EASTpower to restrict the financialsix years were takenwhichIn the years since, tech interactions of businessesis enough information tocompanies and lobbyists through coercive systemscause significant damage to anhave been whispering in the of punishment and reward.individual. ear of politicians, trying to Does anyone honestly thinkThe ABC publishedsecure hundreds of millions an outback steak house cancomments from a senior figurein government grants to survive with 60 per cent meatinside Optus who blamed theredevelop citizen data taxes, a ban on customers withincident on human errorastructures.excessive carbon footprints,claim that has been refuted byUpgrading archaic and negative social creditOptus. databases is one thingscores given to those who buyIt is worth noting thatcollating data that was cow-themed products? when it comes to governmentseparated specifically to At the very core of thesystems, human error is one ofprotect the public is another Australian governments pushthe primary causes of sensitivequestion entirely.for a digital future is safety. data lossas is rapidlyWhile Mark Dreyfus takes We are being asked to forgetupgrading digital systemsthe high ground on the Privacy that government systems areto satisfy over-enthusiasticAct to police companies, the most widely hacked of allgovernment policy that isthe government remainsServicing the East Gippsland Communityand have been the cause ofwritten without considerationcommitted to creating a worst-many severe and repeatedfor the structure of privatecase digital scenario for every data losses. If they were runbusinesses. Australian citizens digital143 Main Street, Bairnsdale VIC 3875by private companies, those[Its] still underfuture.companies would have beeninvestigation. However,Ultimately, it will be the03 5152 3491sued for recklessness andthis breach, like most,governmentnot private damages. appears to come downbusinessesthat pose thetim.bull@parliament.vic.gov.auIgnoring the smoulderingto human error. [They]greatest risk to privacy.'