b"The Great Eastern Mail SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 09crosswordACROSS1. Harbour work boats7. Birthday greeting10. Gallopers' tracks11. Astronaut, . Shepard12. Actor, . Ifans13. Sweat droplet15. Strike with head17. Capture (criminal)18. Took cover20. River, . Grande21. Hearing organ23. Alien craft (1,1,1)24. Lamb's bleat26. Auction offers27. Wipe the dishes (3,2)29. Fitness clubs31. Stretched firm32. Char33. Unemployment pay35. Hunker down (3,2)37. Every single Member for Gippsland Darren Chester with Leader of the Nationals David Littleproud, at Parliament House, has 39. Form a curve been selected to represent the Federal Parliament at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.41. French no Chester to attend 42. Male or female43. Muppets creator, . Henson44. Practical joke45. Sphere47. Liver paste food50. Tumble 4. Indecent 16. Computer port type27. Worthless 42. Therapeutic water tub United Nations52. Chamber53. Exude54. Sight-tester55. Wrongdoings56. Sleigh 5. Appal (1,1,1) 28. Writing tool 43. Sudden movements6. Dirty child 18. Inflicting pain 30. Fah, ., lah 46. HaemorrhageDOWN 7. Sure-fire thing 19. Extinguishing 34. Send-up 48. Sound boosters1. Coach (team) 8. Smoker's receptacle 22. Daisy-like flower 36. Small pointy beards 49. Greek Cupid M EMBER forhave relevance to my role as aI undertake my electorate 2. Snatched 9. 70s dance music 25. Go along (with) 38. Salamander 50. Golfer's warning Gippsland Darrenlocal MP. duties remotely, he said.3. Logically thought-out 14. Voice publicly 26. Awful 40. Bed 51. Profit or . Chester has beenIn a year we commemorateObviously, I wont be selected to represent thethe 75th anniversary ofable to personally attend the sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every rowFederal Parliament at theAustralias involvement inusual community events and and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. United Nations GeneralUN peacekeeping missions,functions but I will be in daily Assembly in New York. I will also be interested tocontact with my office staff DIFFICULTY: HHHHH 3032 DIFFICULTY: HHHHH 3033 Mr Chester and a Laborlearn more about otherand continue to assist locals SOLUTIONS CAN BEFOUND ON PAGE 19MP will be appointed asnations approaches towith the full range of Federal Parliamentary Advisers forsupporting veterans and theirGovernment services that we the United Nations sessionsfamilies. As former Minister,provide.which begin later this monthI was fortunate to observeI am fortunate to have very and will continue until earlypeacekeeping operationsexperienced local staff who December. and appreciate the valuableare helping Gippslanders Its an enormous honourrole these multi-nation forcesevery day with a range of to be chosen to representcan play in keeping innocentFederal Government matters. the Federal Parliament atpeople safe and avoidingAt the moment, we have the United Nations at such aconflict. been very busy with issues critical time in internationalIm confident that I canaround the National Disability affairs, Mr Chester said. learn from the UN experienceInsurance Scheme, visas, Representing the Federaland bring additional skills andpassports and Centrelink Parliament in New York forknowledge to my role requests.a short period will certainlyin Federal Parliament when Authorised by Darren word find - Drive My Car improve my understanding ofI return. Chester, The Nationals,international issues and theMr Chester said he would89 Raymond Street, Sale:United States political processcontinue his work as Member5144 6744.during the mid-term elections. for Gippsland during theWe will continue to F L E D E M X T Q Y F Z O U B F Issues such as internationalweeks he is based in Newwork in partnership with security, economic recoveryYork. local councils, community P S E I R O S S E C C A N X S G from the pandemic, alleviatingWeve all become verygroups and the new Federal poverty, eliminatingwell-equipped to undertakeGovernment Ministers to J S T A K I Q Y Q X C D O L O V child exploitation andvirtual meetings and officesdeliver much-needed funding environmental sustainabilityin Traralgon and Sale willfor projects across Gippsland K T U A R V U S U L Q U T O U D are all on the UN agenda andremain fully operational whilethe Latrobe Valley.B Q K Z X O G E C I V R E S C S Tim BULLD J D N U L F N I A X T X R W MM Z C T P K N I S S A N O W A RI W G Y E S I U N F B H W S R D THE NATIONALS MEMBER FOR GIPPSLAND EASTPPSLAND EASTU M F O A W B N T A Z A N D R LY D S R I A P E R R N T E F A ZI N E R R G W G Q F F C F L N NC K D U N E D L O H K H E E T TU W A C O N V E R T I B L E Y SW P N M G D T Y V W P A R T S YV O Q U A L I T Y C T C K S I LA Z G F W G U R G P Q K F V X N Servicing the East Gippsland CommunityCan you find the following words?VOLKSWAGEN GENUINE SUV SERVICE 143 Main Street, Bairnsdale VIC 3875HOLDEN REPAIRS SEDAN FINANCE 03 5152 3491SUBARU CONVERTIBLE WAGON PARTSNISSAN HATCHBACK FLEET QUALITY tim.bull@parliament.vic.gov.auSUZUKI UTE ACCESSORIES WARRANTY"