b"The Great Eastern Mail SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 05Circular economyFederal Member for reforms supported, Gippsland statement onbut State help needed the passing of Her MajestyE AST Gippsland Shire CouncilLily DAmbrosio, Minister for EnergyS we mourn the lossto visit Australia in 1954, sheI told her: Thank you your has thrown its support behindand Minister for Environment andA of Her Majesty Queenwas cheered and adored acrossMajesty, you bring a lot of joy to a push for a new State-fundedClimate Action, outlining our supportElizabeth II let usthe country including here inmany people.Local Government Circular Economyfor the Governments ambition for antake inspiration from a life ofGippsland, when she visitedSadly, that joy has left us after Funding Program. accelerated transition to a circulardedicated service to duty. Sale, Traralgon, Yallourn and96 years.The Municipal Association ofeconomy. But we also outlined theHer Majesty was a constantWarragul. May she Rest In Peace.Victorian (MAV), supported by Council,need for funding support to deliver anyreassuring force and pillar ofHer Majesty returned toA condolence book is has requested that the Victorianreform at a community level, Cr Reevesstrength during the pivotalour shores 15 times moreavailable online at https://Government establishes a new two-partsaid. events which have shaped theincluding in 2011 where I waswww.pmc.gov.au/her-funding package for local governmentThe speed and scale of recentworld during her extraordinaryfortunate enough to have a briefmajesty-the-queen and to the tune of $120 million over fourrecycling reforms has createdreign. encounter with her in the Greatalso in Mr Chesters office for years. This would include: significant resourcing and costAs the first ruling monarchHall of Parliament House. constituents to sign.A $100 million (over four years)pressures on councils, with the Local Government Circular Economyrequirement to standardise bin lid Infrastructure Fund to contribute tocolours and reform household services the capital costs of implementingexpected to come at a significant cost toRU OK? household recycling reforms,the ratepayers of East Gippsland.and construction, upgrades andRecognising the already significantEverydayimprovements of council transfercost pressures on households, we stations, material aggregation sitesare working hard to minimise the and resource recovery centres. cost impacts of these reforms on our A $20 million (over two years) Localresidents. However, the combinationGIPPSLAND Lakes Complete Government Circular Economyof increased landfill levy rates, newHealth social support team Capability Fund to support councilsservice and infrastructure requirements,member Harri Sheehan to prepare, review and update wastepopulation growth, and ballooning(right) checked in with and recycling policies, strategiescapital works costs makes this a veryvalued client Wally over a and plans; undertake feasibilitydifficult challenge. cuppa and morning tea on R studies, risk assessments and audits;To minimise unnecessaryU OK? Day recently. engage third party expert advice andadministrative costs, Council has askedWhen we check in assistance; training and professionalthat funding support be made availableregularly, we build trust, development. as a non-competitive grants package. and people know that we Mayor, Cr Mark Reeves said theMoving to a circular economygenuinely care. You don't program would help minimiseis a shared responsibility and weneed to be an expert to reach the cost impacts on households oflook forward to working with theoutjust a good friend and a implementing and delivering theGovernment to minimise the directgreat listener. Victorian Governments ambitiousfinancial impact of reforms onTo learn about GLCHs circular economy reforms. local government and in turn localsocial support programs call We recently wrote to the Hon.communities. their team on 5155 8370.smashhitGet set to MelbourneICC Mens T20 World Cup FINAL always livePlan where you play at visitmelbourne.com"