b"The Great Eastern Mail SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 07opinion advice - ask EmmaRuled by fools Starting with IViv Forbes The Salt Bush Club Emma Woodcock is a Registered Counsellor working with AUSTRALIA has become aadolescents and adults with a broad range of difficulties, nation ruled by fools.including anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, self-esteem We have surrendereddifficulties, amongst many others. With experience in power over every aspect of ourseveral evidence-based therapy modalities, Emma utilises lives and industry to fifteenskills from CBT, ACT, DBT, motivational interviewing, debating chambers in eightpolyvagal therapy and more. Emma offersruling cities. These assembliesa practical approach to therapy, helping clients developare controlled by lawyers,a personal 'toolkit of strategies and skills, so that they feel unionists, centralists, greenempowered to deal with lifes challenges everyday.dreamers, power seekers andHe may be avoiding thesituationtax consumers. Emma Woodcockconversations for several3. Because . explain the Their direct cost alone isCounsellor reasons, and it would helpimpact it has on youhorrendous. There are 837for you to know why. He may4. What I need is .include politicians (ignoring localQ: Dear Emma, mybe feeling that he cannotwhat you want them to do government). Each has ahusband and I have beensolve the problem for you, be specific!salary (say $200Kpy), travelmarried 25 years now. Butor anxious that he willFor example, we might and office costs (say $150Kpy),lately every time I bringdisappoint you if he doesntcommonly say You always and staff costs (say $200Kpy)up a problem or difficultyfulfil your expectations. Heleave your mess lyinga billion here, plus a billionI am experiencing, mymay be afraid of where theeverywhere. An I statement there and pretty soon yourehusband has startedconservation will lead to orwould sound like I feel talking real money. shutting down. Beforethat he may be required tofrustrated when I come Now add all the state andnow, I felt we could talkchange. Understanding thehome and the house is federal governors, the cabinetsabout almost anything butwhy behind his behaviourmessy because my days at with their limos and pressnow thats all changed.will inform how you canwork are so busy and its corps, eight armies of taxgrid is struggling to meetforesters and fishermen. TheyHelp! How can we go backaddress it together. overwhelming. What I need collectors and the accountantscurrent demands, they planthink we can have drought andto what it was like before? However, as hard as it is tois for you to pick up your stuff and lawyers trying to protectto add even greater loads toflood mitigation without dams,say this, you play a role too. Amore often.taxpayers from them. Thenturn water into hydrogen,timber without foresters,A: Thank you so much forconversation takes two. AndAnother example would there are the building costs,push water uphill, chargeminerals without mines, andwriting in. Marriages, likea conversation only ends ifbe You dont care about me each citadel probably gettinggiant batteries and powerfood without farmers andany relationship, can beone side lets it end. Its notor my feelings. Restated as its red-and-black flag (thesubsidised fleets of electricfishermen.tricky as you seek to resolvejust how he is responding toan I Statement it could sound NSW version flag cost $25M). vehicles.They reward people whoconflict. Communication andyou that matters, but yourlike I feel frustrated when But salaries and perksPretending to save thewont work and tax those whonegotiation are vital to anyresponse to his refusal too.my feelings arent heard or are a minor part of their realbush, their green mandatesdo. Ignorant of the benefitshealthy relationship, but theBoth must be addressed foracknowledged because it cost. The killer costs areand subsidies are replacingof federalism, they strivegood news is these are skillscommunication between youmakes me feel like Im not incurred when they use directuseful grasslands and valuableto destroy federalism bythat can be learned. Thatto move forward. seen. I need you to listen to investments or fiddle theresources of hardwood,inventing a National Cabinet,said, Id like to begin withYour response mattersme when I talk about my rules on taxes and subsidiessoftwood, mulga and saltbushand run endless centralisingaddressing the issue behindtoo. Instead of reactingfeelings.to chase impossible greenwith bird slicers, roads, poles,summits, enquiries andwhy you are both strugglingwith defensiveness,Give it a go and see how dreams. wires, plastic, metal, concretetalkfests. Soon the veto of Theto have these discussions.disappointment or accusingyou and your husband get Most of our 837 politiciansand glass as the new greenVoice could make anythingThis may be more importanthim with a statement suchon using I statements with and their servants are nowenergy landscapes. Andand everything impossible! than the problem or difficultyas you always do this, tryeach other. Remember obsessed with Net Zero,then they plan to use thisA cold hungry winter isitself. pausing with a deep breathcommunicating effectively and learning from the Covidintermittent low-density greenabout to show Europe theYou might be tempted toand then respond with an isnt just a skill youre born lockdowns, they now dream ofenergy to produce hydrogendeadly dangers of listening tothink its all your husbandsI Statement. An I Statementwith. It can be learned, and Climate lockdowns. which can never recover thegreen dreamers. It is surelyfault. After all, he is avoidingallows you to express yourwith a little repetition and Devoid of engineering talentenergy used to produce it, andtime for Australia to withdrawthe conversation andopinions and feelings toopractice, things will get easier. or economic common sensealso consumes nine tonnes offrom foreign entanglementsshutting down the subject bywithout assigning blame andI hope it helps!they presume to design ourfresh water for every tonne oflike the Paris Treaty, andleaving the room, changingplacing further strain on theAll the best, Emma.electricity network (but theyhydrogen produced. chop Canberras greensubjects, or giving hisrelationship.ban emissions-free nuclearIgnorant of the realities oftentacles, limiting its dutiesattention elsewhere. HisI Statements have four partsGot a question you want power while planning thefood production they turnto defence, foreign affairs andcommunication is non- to them.Emma to answer?destruction of the old reliables,grasslands into havens formaintenance of free tradeverbal, but he is telling you1. I feel . name feeling Email Emma:coal, gas and hydro). Althoughweeds and pests, and lock-the- (exactly as our foundersthat he is not engaging.2. When explain theadvice.gem@gmail.comthe green-infected electricitygates to explorers, farmers,intended).PALLET AND CANTILEVER RACKING, SHELVING AND STORAGEA i i eM X m sYOUR SPACETODAY!FREE SITE MEASURE AND QUOTES!165 MACLEOD ST, BAIRNSDALEPH: (03) 5153 1114EMAIL: INFO@WORKSPACESYSTEMS.COM.AU"