b'20 SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 The Great Eastern MailT HEVictorianwillLiberalsTriple zero overhaul will be enough, said Mr Bull. tohave andNationalsrestoreEveryVictoriandeserves confidence in Triple-Zero callsconfidence that when they call Triple-witha$125millioninvestmentintobacked by East Gippslanders Zero, someone will answer and help thiscriticallyimportantservicethatwill be on the way. Victorians rely on, an announcementThisNovember,Victorianshave GippslandEastNationalsMP,Timreprioritising the $35 billion Labor hascontributed to poor outcomes. dispatch staff, aclearchoice.ATriple-Zeroservice Bull, said will be very well received byset aside for the Cheltenham to Box Therefore, a Liberals and Nationalsrefocusingstaffrecruitmentonthatworksandmajorinvestmentin his local constituents. Hill rail line and reinvesting it into theGovernment will provide an additionalfrontlinecalltakinganddispatchthe health system more generally, or a Overthepastcoupleofyears,health system, he said. $125 million on top of the $333 millionroles, not corporate positions,train line from Cheltenham to Box Hill anumberofEastGippslandersA recent report by the independentallocated in the 2022-23 budget to fixdeliveringsustainableongoingin 13 years time. havecontactedmyofficehavingInspector-GeneralforEmergencyTriple-Zero, by:funding, which Triple-Zero has beenShadowMinisterforEmergency experiencedsignificantdelays,orManagement (IGEM) confirmed thatUpgrading all IT systems includingrequesting since 2015.Services, Brad Battin, said the Liberals not having their calls answered at all,33 Victorians have died due to Triple- anewComputerAidedDispatchInsteadofproperinvestmentinandNationalscomprehensiveplan which has been most distressing. Zero failings. (CAD) system and a fully functionalITsystems,DanielAndrewshasleftwould fix Triple-Zero once and for all. TherealityistheyhavelostfaithFurthermore, the IGEM found thatnew back-up system with sufficientstaff reliant on pen and paper when Our comprehensive plan will get in a system that we should have morethe absence of a common IT systemcapacity for surge demand,dispatch programs fail because thereTriple-Zero working again and restore confidence in.andonly16percentofstaffbeingfacilitating multiple service trainingis no adequate backup system and incommunity confidence that help will The investment will be funded bytrained across multiple services havefor 50 per cent of all call taking andthis day and age that is just not goodbe there in an emergency. service directory | local experts at your fingertipsWHEEL ALIGNMENTS For all your garage door CARSTRUCKS needs in East GippslandFORKLIFTS WE COME TO YOU!ContactRick Ward5155 5101 NEW HOMES AND RENOVATIONSNSERVICING AND INSTALLATIONSFREE QUOTES & EXPERT ADVICE SHOWROOM OPEN TUESDAY 8/59 Whiters Street LAKES ENTRANCE Bairnsdale & District Garage Doors & THURSDAY info@lakesentrancetyreservice.com.au 7 Collins Street, Bairnsdale | 5153 2239 9.30AM - 4PMAll enquiries, phone David 0412 516 433 | Monday to FridayPhotographyCustom FramingCanvas TERMITE SPECIALISTPhotographic Prints TERMITES WAKE UPYour Local Qualified our Local Qualified HUNGRY AFTERPest ControllerA COLD WINTERSpidersMozziesFlies ow is the timeNow is the timeTermites for termite inspection Rodents 5152 6368 and preparationCockroaches26 Wood St, Bairnsdalewww.focusphotos.com.au CALL YOUR LOCAL QUALIFIED PEST CONTROLLERS C O T T Y G R A M B A U 0 4 9 8 2 7 9 9 8 8contact@focusphotos.com.au EMAIL: SCOTT@MYPESTDOCTOR.COMSUPPLYING DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONSORGANISED BY STATE & FED GOVERNMENT ENERGY UPGRADE SCHEMEUPGRADE YOUR HOT WATER FindSYSTEM FOR FREEus onSave up to $1000 QUALITY PRODUCTQUALITY PRICE per year on your power billVALUE and upgrade to an energyINSTALLEDOF HOT WATER ef cient hot waterBY LOCALSERVICE, SUPPLY & l GLASSlSHOWER SCREENSsystem for QUALIFIED INSTALLATION APPROXFREE! TRADESMEN $30005BUT YOURSlSECURITY DOORSlMIRRORS USES UP TO FREEYEAR 80% LESSWARRANTY1 Wood Street Bairnsdalel Ph: 5152 6766 ALL AT NO COSTENERGY *wswindows.com.au TO YOU! In partnership withGlenn Calvert Electrician 0492 942 844Glass Replacement FREE measure & quote service Change over your old electric hot water service to a new heat pump. Old electric hot water has to be outside.Terms & conditions apply.'