b"The Great Eastern Mail AUGUST 12, 2022 17KidsGEMSPACEwww.facebook.com/TheGreatEasternMailGEM QUICK QUIZ GEM KIDS THIS MONTHS GAMING1.WHAT POPULAR KID MOVIE IS THE SONG, GAME SUPERSTARSKISS THE GIRL FROM? REVIEWS2.WHAT POPULAR KID MOVIE IS THIS SONG,COLOUR OF THE WIND?3.WHAT IS THE POLAR EXPRESS?KAO THE KANGAROO4.WHAT POPULAR KID MOVIE INVOLVES TWO SISTERS[PLAYED ON XBOX SERIES X]SAVING THEIR TOWN?5.WHO IS THE BOOK AUTHOR OF THE MOVIE,Q: WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THETHE LORAX? GAME? NIKKI6.WHAT IS THE POPULAR KID MOVIE WHERE QUIZ ANSWERS: A: THE GAME IS SO BRIGHT & SO MUCH FUN!A CRAB SINGS?(10) MONSTERS INC. WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER AGED 107.WHAT POPULAR KID MOVIES INVOLVE A FAMILY WHO(9) COCO.AND WHY?HAS SUPERPOWERS BUT BANNED OF USING THEM?(8) NEMO.I LIKE PLAYING AS KAO8.WHO HELPS DORY FIND HER PARENTS? (7) THE INCREDIBLES.9.WHAT MOVIE IS ABOUT A BOY WHO WANTS TO BE(6) MOANA, WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS GAME? YES, IT'S FUNA MUSICIAN, BUT HIS GRANDMA WONT ALLOW IT(5) DR. SEUSS.BECAUSE OF THE PAST?(4) FROZEN.WHAT RATING WOULD YOU GIVE IT OUT OF 10? I WOULD GIVE IT AN 7 OUT OF 1010. WHAT MOVIE INVOLVES A CHARACTER NAMED(3) A TRAIN. SULLEY? (1) THE LITTLE MERMAID. (2) POCAHONTAS. JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2[PLAYED ON PS5]THIS FORTNIGHT IN HISTORY Q: WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THE GAME?A: THAT YOU GET TO FULLY CONTROL ABLAKEDINOSAUR PARK12th August 1966 During a press conference, John Lennon of the Beatles apologized forAGED 9saying that his band was more popular than Jesus now; the comment had sparked protestsWHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTER and album burnings. AND WHY?13th August 1899 Sir Alfred Hitchcock English-born American director was born I LIKE PLAYING AS THE DINOSAUR KEEPER14th August 2016 Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt won the 100-metres at the Rio de JaneiroWOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS GAME? YES ITS GREATGames, becoming the first person to win the event in three consecutive Olympics; he later claimed an unprecedented third straight gold medal in the 200-metres. WHAT RATING WOULD YOU GIVE IT OUT OF 10? I WOULD GIVE IT A 8 OUT OF 1015th August 1057 Macbeth, king of Scots, was killed in battle by Malcolm, eldest son of Duncan I.16th August 1977 American singer Elvis Presley, known as the King of Rock and Roll, diedTEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES SHREDDERS REVENGEof a heart attack brought on largely by drug abuse. [PLAYED ON NINTENDO SWITCH]17th August 1978 Ben L. Abruzzo, Maxie Anderson, and Larry Newman completed the firstQ: WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT THE transatlantic balloon flight, in Double Eagle II. GAME?18th August 1227 Genghis Khana warrior and ruler of genius who, starting from obscureA: TURTLES ARE THE BEST! STEPHENand insignificant beginnings, brought all the nomadic tribes of Mongolia into a rigidly disciplined military statedied. WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERAGED 1019th August 1274 Edward I was crowned king of England at Westminster. AND WHY?20th August 2017 American comedian and actor Jerry Lewis, who was known for hisLEONARDO IS THE MOST POWERFULunrestrained comic style and his numerous movies with Dean Martin, died at age 91.21st August 1911 On this day in 1911 Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa was stolen from theWOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS GAME? ONLY IF YOU LIKE NINJA TURTLESLouvre by three Italian handymen; it was not recovered until 1913, and the media sensationWHAT RATING WOULD YOU GIVE IT OUT OF 10? I WOULD GIVE IT A 10 OUT OF 10helped make it one of the world's most famous paintings.22nd August 1851 The cup is awarded to the winner of a race between sailing yachts. Thought to be the oldest international sporting trophy to be still awarded today the cups name was changed from Hundred Guinea Cup to Americas Cup after the name of thepuzzle answersyacht that won the first race on this day. Led by Commodore John Cox Stevens, America participated in a 53 nautical mile race around the Isle of Wight in England.24th August 2011 Amid health issues, Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple, and he died less than two months later.25th August 2012 U.S. astronaut Neil Armstrongwho was the first person to set foot on theSOLUTIONS: FROM PAGE 9 SUDOKU:Moon, an event he described as one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankinddied at age 82. 3026SPOT THE DIFFERENCE CAN YOU FIND6 DIFFERENCES?3027Puzzles supplied by Lovatts Publications(6) HORSE FACING OTHER WAY. Pty Ltd www.puzzlexperts.com(3) WING ON DUCK IS FACING UP. (4) EXTRA WINDOW ON BARN. (5) COW HAS ANOTHER SPOT. SPOT THE DIFFERENCE ANSWERS: (1) CAT ON ROOF HAS MOVED. (2) EXTRA CLOUD IN SKY."