b'The Great Eastern Mail AUGUST 12, 2022 11travelto choose from according toopportunity for those wishinglandscapes and experiences the direction of travel chosento relax on the train andacross Australias diversenorth, south, east or west. experience the colours andsouth-eastern corner with The Southbound journeyscenery of the Red Centre andthe option of a three-day on the Ghan, being an extraNorthern Territory whilst stillnorthbound itinerary or a four-day provides more extendedexperiencing some off trainday southbound itinerary. The touring in both Alice Springexcursions predominately intwo-night, three-day journey and Coober Pedy. There areAlice Springs and Katherine. from Adelaide to Brisbane some additional off-trainThe Southbound providesfeatures opportunities to step experiences you can opt inthe option for full day ofoff the train to experience for by paying for an additionaloff-train experiences Alicethe spectacular Grampians surcharge, and these canSprings and Coober PedyNational Park, the nations certainly be rewardingand off train experiences alsocapital Canberra, and the experience. These generallyin Katherine. However, thisstunning northern New South include options for scenicobviously comes at the cost ofWales coast. flights and helicopter flights. having less time relaxing in theThe three-night, four-lounge, as you are travellingday southbound journey more into the night. With morefrom Brisbane to Adelaide off-train experiences on thiswill include an incredible Southbound, you do find youbeachside dining experience are and bypassing the scenery,in northern NSW, an with large sections of theimmersive day in the Hunter travel being completed duringValley and Newcastle region Enjoying the lounge car hospitalitythe night. A compromise forand will also provide the having the extended day timeopportunity to take in Victorias Coopers Travel have a rangeoff train experiences which areiconic Twelve Apostles. For of departure dates for travel onquite amazing. anyone looking to escape the Ghan currently availableIs the Indian Pacific betterfor Christmas Dinner there for travel throughout 2023.than Ghan?is certainly a wonderful little Notably being Northbound inYou will find the sameitinerary available which can May 2023 and Southboundcarriages, lounge cars andaccommodate you.for August 2023. With arestaurants are utilisedDuring your time aboard departure date for the Indianon both trains, with staffthe Great Southern all superb Pacific being available for theintermingling between therestaurant-quality dining and wildflowers in Septemberjourneys. If you are looking foronboard beverages and off 2023 East/West bound. Pleasea trip which is mostly on thetrain touring are included. dont hesitate to contact ourtrain, watching the world goChoose from Platinum Twin office for further details or toby between mealsthen theor Platinum Double Cabins register interest in any of theseIndian Pacific is the one foror Gold Superior, Twin and group departure dates. you. If you are looking for lessSingle Cabins available.We are often asked whichtime on the train and more onFurther information on direction is the best option onsome epic excursions, thena range of Australian and the Ghan? The Ghan is your best bet. Worldwide Rail Services The Northbound Rail The new Great Southernare available by contacting Journey offers moretrain explores the incredibleCoopers Travel.Chester: Urgent action is neededF EDERAL MemberWaste project at the Maryvaleproject boosts local jobs,Parliament he had already for Gippsland DarrenMill, the indoor barramundireduces costs and makeswritten to the Prime Minister Chester has challengedfarm at Maryvale Millbusinesses more sustainable. regarding the funding of the the Prime Minister to prove heassociated with MainStreamThe projects at Maryvaleprojects. will govern for all AustraliansAquaculture and improvedMill are critically important,I have written and received and has sought urgentcapabilities at Patties Foods innot only for the milla response from the Prime action in relation to severalBairnsdale. employees, but also for newMinister regarding the critically important projects inThese projects were aopportunities and expandedprojects and was advised they Gippsland. combined investment of overworkforce, Mr Chester said. were all under review, Mr Mr Chester spoke in$80 million for Gippsland andPatties Foods in BairnsdaleChester said.Parliament this weekvital for long term sustainableis the worlds largest savouryThe new Prime Minister regarding the status ofjobs in regions like the Latrobepie factory and has grownhas made a lot of claims about regional manufacturingValley which will go through afrom a small family businessgoverning for all Australians projects that had beenmajor transition over the nextto an international one in theincluding the regions, now announced by the previouscouple of decades. past 50 years. we will see whether he is fair government. The previous FederalInvesting in improveddinkum or not.I fear due to political gamesGovernment was preparedrobotics will help with theI urge the Prime Minister and partisan politics thereto put funding on the tableproduction of the range ofand his government to do the are local jobs now at risk, Mrto ensure the investmentsgoods including, pies andright thing and support these Chester said. came forward and providedsausage rolls as the companyprojects which have already Prior to the election Ian opportunity to work incontinues to grow andbeen through a rigorous announced three majorpartnership with privateprovide goods all over theprocess and will support manufacturing projects inindustry. world.Gippsland jobs and families Gippsland, the Energy fromMr Chester said that eachMr Chester told thefor years to come.French fries versus almonds: Calorie for calorie, which comes out on top?I N a perfect world, indulgingmonth, in terms of weight gainweight, blood sugar, insulin,One key difference emerged, in a daily portion of Frenchor other markers for diabetesand haemoglobin A1C (ahowever: participants in the fries instead of almondsrisk. longer-term reflection of bloodFrench fry sub-group had would be a simple choice, andPerhaps snacking on friedsugar levels) at both the starthigher blood glucose and no negative consequencespotato slivers instead ofand end of the month. Fiveinsulin levels just after eating would stem from selecting theprotein-packed almonds wontparticipants from each grouptheir fries compared with the salty, deep-fried option. nudge the scale in the shortalso underwent post-mealalmond eaters.But experts says we shouldterm, but that doesnt maketesting to evaluate short-termIts tempting to conclude take the findings of a new studythe decision equally as healthy.blood sugar responses. theres not much difference supporting this scenario with,Crunchy, satisfying almondsAfter 30 days, changesbetween fries and almondser, a grain of salt. This potatodeliver health benefits,in the amount of body fatits the calories that count. But industry-funded researchincluding lowering bad LDLResearchers providedFrench fries seasoned withand total body weight werecloser reading reinforces the suggests theres no significantcholesterol. Over the long haul,participants with 30 single-dayherbs and spices (mediumsimilar among the French frynotion that two items generally difference between eating atheyre a far better option toportions of their food itemserving). and almond groups. So wereplaced on opposite ends of 300-calorie serving of Frenchhelp ward off chronic illnesseseither almonds, roasted andThe amount of fat inglucose and insulin levelsthe healthy food spectrum are fries and a 300-calorie serving including diabetesorsalted (about 1/3 cup), plainparticipants bodies wasmeasured through blood testsstill farther apart than study of almonds every day for adelay their complications. French fries (medium serving),measured, along with totalafter fasting. findings might have us believe.'