b'The Great Eastern Mail AUGUST 12, 2022 21Another Great Pelican Count racing & sportESULTS are in and,Participants inlike humans, love our lakes. Blayney R on a sunny Sundaythe 2022 GreatAlthough the count is over, in April, around 100Pelican Count.you can be a pelican citizenappointed to humans recorded 1,135Picture: Debscientist all year round by pelicans in 30 minutes forSullivan recording any pelicans with the annual BirdLife Australiacoloured leg bands you seeGreyhound Gippsland Lakes Greatnoting the date, time, location Pelican Count. of your sighting and note if Citizen scientists gatheredstand alone, the wonderfulsatellite trackers and the teamthe pelicans were alone orBoardat 77 locations to raisehow many other birds they their binoculars for thecitizen scientists help buildwere witha photo from environment recordingthe bigger picture of pelicanare planning to deploy tenyour phone is also perfect. 476 more pelicans than inpopulation dynamicsmore tracking devices ontoSubmit any sightings toT HE Board ofCarbines said.2021 and 500 more thanthat ultimately leads toadults and juveniles in thegreatpelicancount@birdlife. Greyhound RacingMr Blayney served as a the previous count held inunderstanding better ways tonear future. The devices emitorg.au or on the Love OurVictoria has beenpolice officer for more than 2019. (The 2020 event wasmanage and protect them.a signal every ten minutes.Pelicans Facebook page setbolstered by the appointment40 years and has held senior postponed due to COVID-19.) Its also about simplyThis year, two red andup to follow project research,of John Blayney for a three- leadership roles at Victoria Of this total, 75% of pelicansgetting out, being togetherwhite coloured leg bandedshare stories, photos, andyear term. Police, including Assistant were roosting, 10% wereand enjoying the Lakes andpelicans were recorded duringreport sightings of bandedMinister for RacingCommissioner of Regional moving and 15% were notedits incredible landscapes andthe count.This is the colourpelicans. Search for Love ourAnthony Carbines on TuesdayOperations and Chief to be foraging or scavengingwildlife. unique to the GippslandPelicans on Facebook to join.August 2 announced MrInformation Officer.for food. There were people ofLakes with green and whiteThe Gippsland LakesBlayneys appointmentHe was awarded the BirdLife Australia Projectall ages counting on thebands being the colour thatGreat Pelican Count is anand thanked Deputy ChairAustralia Police Medal in 2012 Coordinator, Deb Sullivanday including staff fromis unique to Western Portinitiative of BirdLife AustraliaEmmett Dunne who hasfor his services to the force said: We are delighted withEast Gippsland and Westand Port Phillip bays. Itssupported by East andstood down after six-years onand holds an Executive Master the 2022 participation andGippsland Catchmentnot only interesting to knowWest Gippsland Catchmentthe Board. of Public Administration.results. Recent wet weatherManagement Authorities.where Pelicans go, but itManagement Authorities. I congratulate John BlayneyMr Blayney brings has meant that there has beenAlso, for the first time thishelps us understand theirThis program is fundedon his appointment and knowexperience in the key area of more fish to be had and haveyear, residents of Mallacootabehaviour better, the habitatsas part of the Victorianhe will continue the excellentintegrity to the Board, drawing provided great feeding andparticipated in the count, andthey like to use, and improveGovernments $248 millionwork of the Board ensuringon his long involvement in law breeding conditions for theI thank everyone for theirmanagement practices for theinvestment over four yearsthe smooth operation andenforcement.pelicans. enthusiasm. future of the species.(2020-2024) to improve theintegrity of the industry. The greyhound racing Its an important 30Across the year, Deb andBands and trackers havehealth of waterways andI sincerely thank Emmettindustry in Victoria generates minutes of the year as theher team place bands on therecorded birds from the Lakescatchments across regionalDunne for his contribution to$643.2 million for the results provide a pelicanpelicans across the year toat locations such as BatemansVictoria and made possibleBoardhe played a key roleVictorian economy and snapshot and contributes totrack their movements andBay and Eden. Morethrough $7.5 million tohelping introduce importanthelps sustain 4,726 full time the larger, ongoing pelicanactivity with 37 young birdscommonly though, the birdssupport the Gippsland Lakesreforms to the industryequivalent jobs locally.monitoring and protectionbeing tagged so far this year.appear to stay in their ownCoordinating Committee andin recent years that haveFor further information on program across the Lakes. The team is also able to trackterritorial areas and homedeliver on ground works andsignificantly enhanced animalthe Board go to www.grv.org.The event is definitely notthe birds in real time withranges proving that pelicans,community engagement. welfare and integrity, Ministerau/grv-board.local experts at your fingertips | service directoryWELGUARD METAL CALL INTO OUR TERMITE SPECIALIST INDUSTRIES SHOWROOM FOR A NO OBLIGATION Rodents looking ookingYour Local QualifiedGATES & FENCING FREE QUOTERodents l our Local Qualified Pest Controllerfor a home thisSpiders winterMozzies winter Flies7 GILES STREETDONT LET IT TermitesBAIRNSDALE VICRodents BE YOURS!CockroachesTubularDomestic 5153 1399CALL YOUR LOCAL QUALIFIED PEST CONTROLLERColorbondCommercial admin@welguard.com.auS C O T T Y G R A M B A U 0 4 9 8 2 7 9 9 8 8EMAIL: SCOTT@MYPESTDOCTOR.COMSlatAuto ControlSUPPLYING DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONSFor all your garage doorORGANISED BY STATE & FED GOVERNMENT ENERGY UPGRADE SCHEMEneeds in East Gippsland UPGRADE YOUR HOT WATER SYSTEM FOR FREEWE COME TO YOU! 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