b'14 AUGUST 12, 2022 The Great Eastern Mailsailing, boating and fishingSize and daily catch limit makes senseT he Gippsland Lakes maximumbenefitsofincreasingtourismand size limit on Black bream wascommercial activity to the region, was introducedasatemporarytheneedtorestorethefisherytoa fisheries regulation in 2021 and is nowlevel where it is possible for a relatively likely to be extended till mid 2023. inexperiencedvisitortocatchan Itisafisheriesregulationthaticonic Gippsland Lakes Black bream. applies only to the Gippsland LakesParticularly from an economic view, and was introduced to help acceleratehaving a fishery that is accessible to therecoveryoftheBlackbreamnovice family groups is important, as population after the end of commercialthey have a much higher propensity to netting in the Gippsland Lakes in 2019.spend during their stay and therefore Fortherecreationalfishersthatprovidemuchgreatereconomic fish for Black bream in the Gippslandbenefit. Lakes,theymustcomplywiththeThe survey results showed a strong same minimum size limit of 28 cm thatpreferenceforlowerdailycatch applies throughout Victoria. However,ratesamongstrecreationalanglers andpeculiartoonlytheGippslandthemselves.TheGippslandLakes Lakes,theyarenotallowedtokeepRecreational Fishing Alliance, through any Black bream over the size of 38cm. itsowncommunityconsultation, TheintentionofthemaximumNormalising the age structure wouldPlan, in which the maximum size limitsignificant time lag.believesthatthereduceddaily size limit regulation is to increase thefor many in the broader community,regulation sits in, involves a time lagThe Victorian Governments fundedbaglimitforBlackbreamhaseven numberoflargerandmorematurerepresentamanagementobjectivein achieving the financial, social andrecreationalanglerrepresentativegreatersupportfromthosethatdo BlackbreamintheGippslandlakesthat is worthy in itself, regardless of anyenvironmental benefits envisaged bybody,VRFish,conductedaverynot participate in recreational fishing. population to hopefully help improveother outcome.the banning of commercial netting. largeandextensiveconsultationThis view is often strongly expressed theirsubsequentbreedingandThecommercialnettingbanofThe evaluation of the effectivenesswithitsstakeholdersregardingbyyoungerwomen,whofindit recovery. Black bream in the Gippsland Lakesof maximum size limit for Black breamfisheriesmanagementoptionsincreduloustounderstandthatitis Itisawidelyheldviewinthein2019,effectivelyremovedthein the Gippsland Lakes needs to befortheGippslandLakesaftertheallowable to catch ten fish per day per community that the larger and moresupplyofBlackbreamtoVictorianconsideredinthecontextoftime.endofcommercialnetting.Thereperson in this day and age.mature Black bream are very importantconsumers.TherationalefortheWill this regulation in itself help bringwasoverwhelmingsupportfortheThe maximum size limit for Black in improving the spawning success ofdecision was based on the notion thatforward the expected gains that wouldintroduction of a maximum size limitbreamisagoodpolicyinitiative. these fish. Regardless of the potentialthe financial, social and environmentalexceed the losses being experiencedand a reduction in the daily allowableHowever, by itself, it is slow way to of the maximum size limit to improvebenefits would far exceed the loss thatelsewhere in the Victorian economy? daily catch limit of Black bream fromachieve the desired outcomes. There spawning success, the regulation willconsumerswouldexperiencefromTheexpectedimprovementinten to five per day. is a need from a moral and economic definitely contribute to normalising ofnot being able to buy and consumerecruitmentoutcomesforBlackThe inherent logic in this preferredtimingperspectivetoaugmentthe the age structure of the Black breamBlack bream. bream,byhavingamaximumpolicy mix, together with the end ofpolicy mix with a reduced daily catch population. Previous fisheries studiesThelosstoconsumersofBlacksizelimit,hasalongtimedelayincommercialnetting,wasthatlowerlimit of five Black bream a day. had identified that the number of olderbreamwasimmediate.Theendofdeliveringtheexpectedbenefits.Itdaily bag limits would reduce the time fish in the population were too low fornetting cut the supply of this fish tocantakeseventonineyearsforaittakestorestoretheBlackbreamRobertCauneSpokesperson the age structure of the Black breamthelargelyMelbournemarket.TheBlackbreamtoreachlegalsize.Apopulation in the Gippsland Lakes.forGippslandLakesRecreational population to be considered normal.Gippsland Lakes Recreational Fisherygoodoutcome,butitcomeswithaCritical to achieving the economicFishing AllianceOUR NEW LAKES ENTRANCE LOCATION IS.Mechanics Street, LAKES ENTRANCE (Opposite The Thirsty Camel)Open 9.30am to 1.00pmAnd every fortnight following that datePrecision, Quality & Comfort AssuredSAME DAY DENTURE REPAIRSBAIRNSDALE DENTURES Geoffrey C DennisDENTAL PROSTHETIST Our denture clinic Bairnsdale Clinic is still OPEN289 Main StreetPh: 5152 6896 or 0421 644 580BAIRNSDALE www.bairnsdaledentures.com.auEXPRESS SERVICE FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION WITH DENTAL PROSTHETIST'