15 The Great Eastern Mail MARCH 2018 MAKE THE TODAY! 48MONTHS PH: 5153 0722 619 PRINCES HWY. BAIRNSDALE www.egsolar.com.au QUALITY LOCAL & PROFESSIONAL SUPPLIERS & INSTALLERS INTEREST FREE • Leading European brand of solar panels • 12 Year Warranty when installed by EGS • World’s most powerful Multicrystalline Panel • Lowest carbon footprint for solar grade silicon • Lowest known warranty claims rate • Improved performance in shaded conditions SOLAR HOT WATER SOLAR POWER ON & OFF GRID BATTERY STORAGE - TESLA SOLAR POOL HEATING SOLATUBES 20YEARS SOLARINDUSTRY EXPERIENCE LOCAL SOLARISTHEBEST SOLAR! We Offer... Localsolar- thebestsolar foundunder thesun Therearemanybenefitsin choosinglocalsolarthatwillsave youmorethanjustelectricitybills OVER 400 solar companies have de registered from the ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) in the last 4 years - leaving so many people at a loss for follow-up service and warranty claims. With cheap quality solar companies falling ‘off the grid’ so often, there is a real need for locals to be well informed when it comes to installing a system that has the potential to be an incredible financial benefit. So, what are the options for people who are looking to install a new system? There is certainly an advantage in choosing to purchase and install a system through a locally owned company, not only is there follow up when it comes to service, but you will have a much faster response for repairs or queries, as well as supply of high quality products. You can trust that the company is supporting the local community by keeping employment in the region. The fact of the matter is that a local company is just that, local. They’re going to be there when you need them to be. The sad truth though is that many choose a company that out sources to Melbourne, Sydney or even Brisbane because the systems that are supplied are cheaper, however the trade-off you make is on the quality of the product. Usually these systems last only a few short years before becoming problematic to the owner, ending up costing far more in repairs and replacement of faulty parts than the system was originally worth. Especially since there is no warranty help down the line and often no support at all after the initial installation. The team at East Gippsland Solar is dedicated to supplying quality systems, with over 18 years of business and having installed more than 3000 systems – ranging from Solar Hot Water to Off- Grid, Battery Storage, and Pool Heating Systems - they know what they are doing. They will be able to give you all the information you need in the process of adding or expanding a system on your property and are prepared to follow up any enquiries you might have. For more information, or to talk about options visit East Gippsland Solar in the showroom at 619 Princes Highway during business hours or check out the website at www.egsolar.com. au or their Facebook page.